CAE Code of Professional Conduct from page 19...

on March 4, 2024 at 7:52 PM

CAE Code of Professional Conduct from page 19...

From: Susan Radwan

User Posts: 365 - Elite User

I have mentioned to be sure to read page 19 on the code of conduct for CAEs...This is the content from page 19 from the CAE Standing Rules and Policies:

1) CAE Code of Professional Conduct. A CAE may be subject to discipline for the following:

a) Knowingly violating the law in the course of the CAE’s professional activities, including, but not limited to fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation of property, or unlawful discrimination. Allegations of violations of this section must be based on an independent finding of a violation of the law by a court of competent jurisdiction or an administrative or regulatory body.

b) Failure to report and willfully concealing one’s knowledge of illegal activity by staff, volunteer or vendor related to association management.

c) Violation of other certification or credential standards resulting in revocation or other discipline.

d) Knowingly making false statements of material fact in any professional context, including falsification of academic, employment, or credentialing records.

e) Failure to disclose one’s own actual conflict of interest to a third party decision making body, where such conflict would be material to such body’s deliberations or decision-making process. Such third party may be a board of directors, a committee of the board, a client, or an employer.

f) Failure to adhere to the employer’s policies and procedures in the acceptance of commissions, remuneration or other benefits in connection with the scope of the certificant’s employment.

g) Unauthorized, material disclosure of confidential information except when required by law, where disclosure results in damage to the owner of the confidential information.

h) Willful disregard of lawful board of director directives that materially undermines the interests of the organization.

In the course of applying for certification or renewal, Certificants are to be made aware of the bases for which certification can be revoked.

The Professional Conduct Committee shall be empowered to investigate, deliberate, and bring to resolution, according to these Rules and Procedures, all Complaints against Certificants.

The CAE Commission, including action by the Professional Conduct Committee as delegated by these procedures, is the only entity authorized to make final decisions with respect to revocation or other disciplinary actions.

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